Motherhood: an intimate experience of continuous Learning

Trending Posts on Lessons From My Daughters

Aderonke Oshungbohun

Hi there! I hope you’ve had a fulfilling week. Last Sunday, I shared a video on a Scripture (you can watch it here) that the Holy Spirit

Aderonke Oshungbohun

Take a moment to reflect on how unpredictable the world around us has become. One person is here today and gone tomorrow; the unprecedented economic chaos and challenges persist.

Aderonke Oshungbohun

One random evening whilst tidying up the kitchen with Princess T, She asked; Mum, would you rather have more people at your wedding or at your funeral?

Aderonke Oshungbohun

What seems so little and insignificant in your hands/mind right now has the potential to bless more people than you can imagine if you use it well

Aderonke Oshungbohun

Whatever you do, be careful you’re not doing it for the trend, because there is a way that seems right to a man.

Aderonke Oshungbohun

Hi dear readers! I trust you are doing well as we gradually come to yet another year of growth despite our varying experiences. This week, I considered

Aderonke Oshungbohun

A lovely 6year old girl said ‘what if the wounds were not on his body but on his heart’

Aderonke Oshungbohun

Hello dear readers! How have you been? It’s been yet another minute! I hope you’ve been well and winning.So this week, I came across a scripture that

Aderonke Oshungbohun

More than ever before, it is the time for us to know God personally for ourselves and experience Him

Aderonke Oshungbohun

If you ever feel guilty for something you've done after you apologise to God, it's not Him making you feel like that, it's the...

Aderonke Oshungbohun

When we pray, God looks at our ‘heart’s posture’, He looks at the intentions and our motives.

Aderonke Oshungbohun

Hello dear junior readers, so glad to be here again this week writing to you, thanks for all the lovely feedback from our last post. Read here

Aderonke Oshungbohun

A hello dear junior reader, my name is Ronke and I would like you to know it is such a privilege to write to you. I’m a

Aderonke Oshungbohun

Hi dear readers, Happy Easter to you all! I hope you are all having a great Easter weekend. Last Easter, we shared on the love of God

Aderonke Oshungbohun

There isn’t many things as refreshing as being corrected by the word of God if we humble ourselves. Our thoughts, actions, way of life and culture can come under scrutiny of the word if we allow the word to work in us.

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My Story

Lessons from my daughters tells my short journey of parenting , I’ve learnt more about myself than my entire life. Nurturing kids has revealed my own strengths and weaknesses thereby fostering my growth. I share the lessons I have learnt from my daughters.