True friends bro

What I Have I Give To You

Hi dear readers! It has been a while, and it’s good to be writing to you again! As you know, I get a lot of inspiration from my daughters and the wonderful kids I teach in the children’s department.

Recently, we learned the story of the lame man at the gate called “Beautiful,” and I was thrilled by the insight given by the Holy Spirit to the children when we discussed this topic. I will be sharing this today.

But Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!”

Acts 3:6

It is so easy to read this story and think you have nothing to offer if you’re not able to perform miracles like Peter or John, but the statement above is remarkable. He said, “What I have, I give to you.”

Charity bro 1
Credit :Storyset

What Do You Have?

We’ve all been given different abilities and grace based on our different assignments, and this is the reason some of us find it easier to perform certain tasks than others.

Whatever you have been given is what you have, and just like Peter, you can and should give it.

First are apostles,

Second are prophets,

Third are teachers,

Then those who do miracles,

Those who have the gift of healing,

Those who can help others,

Those who have the gift of leadership,

Those who speak in unknown languages

1 Corinthians 12 v 28
Charity amico
Credit :Storyset

It was amazing to hear the kids talk about their smiles, lovely clothes, cookies, etc., as what they have and can give. Yes, even the material items can be given to bless the poor; hence, Peter’s referral to not having either silver or gold.

Whatever your hands find to do, do it well! Honor the Lord with it!

When You Give It, It Multiplies!

“To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away”

Matthew 25:29.
Gift pana
Credit: Storyset

What seems so little and insignificant in your hands/mind right now has the potential to bless more people than you can imagine if you use it well. The little boy who gave his five loaves and three fish would not have imagined it would feed 5000.

Give your best and give some more because the Lord gives grace.

I trust you have been blessed by this. Please share with your friends. I leave you with the peace of the Lord!

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