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2023: Don’t switch lanes!

Hello dear readers! It has been a minute! Actually, it has been a few weeks. I welcome you to the wonderful year 2023 again. I pray that the Lord truly and kindly order your steps this year.

Parking pana
Credit: Storyset

Just about a week ago, I was driving in traffic with the kids. There were two lanes heading in different directions and ours happened to be the slower one, then we had an interesting conversation;
Princess T: Mum, why don’t you switch lanes and join the fast lane
Me: We are not going in the same direction, if we change lanes , we will be heading in a wrong direction

How true is this even in life especially today when most people follow the trend ?

Lateness amico
Credit: Storyset

 Stay in your lane

It is only human in traffic to become impatient and switch lanes but many people are doing this with their own lives and are not even aware.

Your journey might be slower than you expect or taking longer but you will only get there if you stay on that journey and not heading in a different direction.

The same traffic my daughter complained about cleared within a few minutes, we only needed a little patience. Sometimes, all you need too is a little patience because you are almost there as long as you do not give up.

It might be a business plan you’re working on, a project, career, whatever it is, you are almost there as long as you do not give up.

Lateness bro 1
Credit: Storyset

 The danger of switching lanes

We are living in a fast world with ever changing trends, it is almost impossible to keep up even if you tried. It is so easy to give up your dreams, your aspirations or even your God given assignments due to impatience or peer pressure.

We constantly need to ask ourselves why we do what we do? Who is helping us make our decisions and to what end?
Why are you moving to a new country or city? Why are you changing jobs or changing your kids school? Why are you changing careers? Whatever you do, be careful you’re not doing it for the trend, because there is a way that seems right to a man.

There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death

Proverbs 14 v 12
Lantern amico
Credit: Storyset

 What is your own lane?

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart

Jeremiah 1 v 5

The only path that is good and right for us is the one the Lord has set us on. The first step is to ask Him what path He has set you on? Then trust Him to lead and direct you.

Resist the urge to do what everyone else is doing and remain on your own path, that’s the only way to arrive at your God ordained destination and enjoy the peace of God.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this. Please share with your family and friends.
I leave you with the peace of God!

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Haha, this one is loud.


Thank you for sharing. So true

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