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Mum, would you rather have more people at your funeral or your wedding?

Hello dear readers, it has been a while! Excited to be writing to you again today, I hope you’ve been staying up to date with us via social media.

Following some recent events and personal reflection, I thought it was the right time to release this long awaited post.

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One random evening whilst tidying up the kitchen with Princess T (to our new readers, she is my 9year old daughter) She asked; Mum, would you rather have more people at your wedding or at your funeral?

Me: More people at my funeral my dear. 

Princess T: Why? That’s boring, a wedding is more fun 

Me: Funeral represents the finality of one’s life and mostly those whose life you have touched attend. A lot of people attend wedding for the fun of it. And then I went on to give a ‘maybe too detailed’ lesson on life, not entirely sure she understood half of it.

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How conscious are you of your mortality?

A voice says, “Call out.”
Then he answered, “What shall I call out?”
All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field.
The grass withers, the flower fades,
When the breath of the Lord blows upon it;
Surely the people are grass

Isaiah 40 v 6-7 

It is important that we all remember we would not be here forever, actually, no one should desire to live on earth forever when there is a better home in heaven for us. 

A consciousness of our mortality will help us to prioritize our lives and give what counts especially as it comes to our purpose knowing that we do not have all the time in the world to do what we’ve been sent here for.

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More people at your wedding vs at your funeral?

I would also like to ask you the same question my 9 year old daughter asked me but I will leave you to ponder on your own answer. Our daily actions and decisions will truly tell us which side of the scale we fall on.

What is truly important to you and why?

What difference are you making in the lives of those around you? It doesn’t have to be a lot but a little when put together makes a difference (click to read old post on what I have I give to you)

Are you just living for the present and the applause of men? It won’t really matter in the end because men quickly move on to the next person.

At funerals, no one will really talk about how many earthly possessions you had or the lovely materials items you owned because then it no longer matters, what will be said is how you lived, who you were and the impact of your life.

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We will all give account

Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God

Romans 14 v 12

Just a little reminder, even if the world applauds after one’s death, what matters most is still God’s opinion of how we lived and to Him alone shall we give an account 

I hope this reminder will serve as a gentle nudge for you to adjust where you need to and pray for help where you need it. Please share with your family and friends! I leave you with the peace of Christ.

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Great point to reflect on. May God bless his word


Good food for my thought this early morning…. Blessings!


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I would probably have said the same thing. Weddings are amazing but a party everyone wants to go to. Some treat a funeral like a chore almost.

It will be those that care that will do everything to say goodbye.


🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽👍👍👍 Brilliant, excellent and thought provoking insight as usual. God bless you indeed my sister, you are truly a blessing to the kingdom of God.

Yours Truly

Pastor Abi

Wonderful question that every adult must think about.


Thought provoking…Thanks for putting this out.

Ayo Lucky

This is indeed a profound piece!
Life’s true purpose lies in impacting others positively, beyond mere parties. Genuine fulfillment is found in the lasting impact we make, both on people and in devotion to God.

Jola Okebiorun

Your reply was very apt dear. Bible says it is better to go to place of funeral than the place of merriment (wedding). This is the more reasons why Bible says teach me how to count my days.


Another great read and lesson from my daughters.Time is short but life eternal.Choose eternity.


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Mum, Would You Rather Have More People At Your Funeral Or Your Wedding? – Lessons From My Daughters


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Mum, Would You Rather Have More People At Your Funeral Or Your Wedding? – Lessons From My Daughters


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Mum, Would You Rather Have More People At Your Funeral Or Your Wedding? – Lessons From My Daughters


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Mum, Would You Rather Have More People At Your Funeral Or Your Wedding? – Lessons From My Daughters

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