“And she said, I will like a room with unicorn and rainbows wallpaper”…. Today was a busy day for me and at prayer time I was exhausted so I asked Princess T to pray for the family regarding a specific request. Recently, a dear friend taught me the importance of involving our kids in prayerful decision making. Up until then, it never occurred to me that was necessary as I assumed my kids were too young to understand.
New International Version
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Mathew 14 v 19
A year ago, I was teaching her specifically about the ‘petition type of prayer’ so I told her to ask God for something without telling anyone what it is (I was secretly telling God to please answer the prayer to grow her faith). This was just a few months before her 5th birthday and I was thinking of birthday party themes for her.

I realized I suddenly started noticing unicorn themed parties and items so whilst driving her to school one morning, I suggested we have a unicorn themed birthday party. She screamed in excitement. Of course, I was surprised and asked why, the secret request to God was to have a unicorn birthday party.
You cannot imagine my joy at her first answered prayer. I will always be grateful to God for that. Since then, I always listen to her prayers with admiration. There is something about the faith of a child that is just pure and genuine. You see, children do not see limitations and obstacles like adults, maybe because many of these obstacles are not even real and only exist in the mind.
Oh, to pray and believe like a child! I will like to know what you are teaching your kids about prayer, particularly unanswered prayers. This is a topic I realise even alot of grown ups don’t talk about. We believe God always hears our prayers so he answers them but this answer is not always ‘Yes’ and not everything we request is good for us.
So guys, please share important lessons you have learnt about prayers yourself and also how you are growing your kids faith to pray! Let’s keep the comment section busy…..*wink
Iam learning to pray with my kids..I think kn my subconscious I think they are too young but then I know there are never too young to learn..hmmm
Yayyyy…just had a 5 year old prayer for me awhile..it was moving..I lowkey cried..
It was so simple but so powerful.
She prayed cos she believed.
And I had no other option but to believe with her.
And that the joy of prayer.
Sometimes we get caught up in using big words.
But prayer at true level is just a conversation with God and he truly hears you. No matter how many words you use.