Mum, why do we pray for others??

Hi everyone, how are you all doing? So this is one of those weeks I had something else planned but I had the feeling to share this instead, tried hard to push it away and few nights ago as I picked up my bible…boom! It was right there waiting for me.

When Princess T was 4, we had just finished praying before bed and she asked me “Mum, why do we pray for others?” It is something we do because it feels good and we care about those people but do we ever ask why we do it?

  • Why do we pray for others?

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them

1 Timothy 2 v 1

God wants us to pray for others is the most important reason we should do it, and the scripture above shows us specifically how we should pray for them. 

What I like most about that verse is how it says ‘for all people’, no exceptions including people you don’t like very much.

We can easily get absorbed in our own lives and needs that we forget to do this, even I don’t do it every day. It would be easier if we didn’t make such a big deal about it, when you remember a friend, say a word of prayer for them. When you hear about someone, say a word of prayer for them.

  • Prayer for Christian leaders

 But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News

Colossians 1 v 23

Now more than ever is the time to pray for our Christian leaders. A lot of them are fighting battles we are not even aware of. Let us remember them daily, that they will not fall into temptation or drift away from the truth.

The next time you listen to a gospel song, pray for that artiste. Pray for your Pastor and church leaders, pray for the teachers you listen to on tv and internet.

The assurance we have is that whatever we say to God in prayer, he hears it. This is enough to encourage us.

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  • Pray for those in authority

Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity

1 Timothy 2 v 2

I find this so difficult sometimes especially for leaders that are clearly bad but it is not for me to decide, it is what we are asked to do. 

Our individual and collective prayers make a difference in the world we live in and this is what sustains our world.

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  • Praying for others is good for you

As Maya Angelou said “When I pray, something wonderful happens not just to the person I’m praying for, but also to me.”

praying girl
Picture Credits: www.freepik.com

A few years ago during a night shift, I was spending my break time praying quietly when an old friend I hadn’t heard from in a long while came to mind. I prayed for her for a few minutes and went on to something else but the burden grew in me and I couldn’t stop praying for her for a while.

The next day I was scrolling through Instagram and saw she just had a baby the day I was praying for her. Oh, the joy I felt in my heart knowing there was a reason for my prayers (even though I didn’t tell her).

Unlike this story, we might never know what our prayers are doing for others, let us offer them anyway because God hears them.

Whew! Now I think this is a post that makes me sound like a preacher (which I’m not), I just really enjoy sharing and encouraging others. I would love love love it if you all share this post with your friends.

I know many of you will say a prayer for someone today, which is the whole point of this post to be honest.

Thank you to everyone that completed our survey last week, if you didn’t, there’s still a chance, please click here

Have a lovely weekend guys! I leave you with the peace of God!

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Great reminder of why we should pray for others.

Diana Migamba

Thank you Ma for this topic.

As they say whatever u do to others that’s what other people will do for you. If you pray for others, another person will pray for you.

Sometimes we don’t know our battles but if someone prays for us that battle maybe won without us knowing about it.

Praying for others it’s like helping someone in need and u know what happens when u help/pray God rewards you , you even feel happy after doing it.

Let’s keep praying for others,so that we are also prayed for.


We are even more blessed when friends are family are blessed along with us

Aderonke Oshungbohun

True that! To be surrounded by other blessed people is so much joy

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