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What is really new about the New Year?

Hello and happy new year everyone! I hope you had a different but yet exciting time during the holidays. As a family, we made the best use of the circumstances with our family and friends and we are indeed grateful for that.

Unlike other years, it appears many people are not as excited about this new year, understandably so. 2020 was challenging in ways we never expected and were unprepared for and I sense the fear in many, the fear to hope in 2021 and be disappointed, the fear to make plans that might be ruined by worsening recession or redundancy.

As hard as it is, we need to get up again especially in the same places we’ve fallen and hope again. If there is one thing we’ve all learnt in the last year, it is that we are stronger than we know and more resilient than we can imagine.


Hope will not lead to disappointment

Roman 5 v 5

Bring hope back to life and let us dream again, expectant to have a better year even if the difficulty persists.

Many people do not believe in New year resolutions for various reasons and that is fine. However, I believe it is a good time to ‘examine your own life’. Some people do this quarterly or in the middle of the year, choose what is good for you.

There is a reason countries have Tax years, companies have financial years, schools have academic years etc. It is to enable you take account and examine your progress or lack of it.

They say an unexamined life is not worth living.

To be honest, the new year is just a date, if you don’t put anything into it, you won’t get anything out of it. There is no point being in a race with no finish line. So as we start a new year, it is pertinent to look inwards and take honest stocks of your own life and race.

I will be sharing a few tips that I have found useful:

  • Before you start, look back

2020 was challenging but you won because you are still alive. Was  there any good in that year at all? Look back and write it down. It is easy for us to assume all was bad because we are not taking accurate account of our lives.

If all you can put down is that you are alive, then it is enough. Perhaps, it is all that you need to start again.

  • Search your soul, compartmentalize and meditate

Your soul/mind is ‘your intellectual being’, search it and ask yourself honest questions. What are your deepest desires? Compartmentalise your life, which areas are you doing well and which areas need more improvement.

Is your marriage/relationship  suffering whilst your career is doing well? How are your kids? Are you growing spiritually? Doing these things, take time. You might need to go off your phone, social media for a few days to achieve this. The time will be worth it.

  • Before you start, sharpen your axe

For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? 

Luke 14 v 28

Many people are rushing into the new year with hope without counting the costs and preparing themselves, it doesn’t often end well. I would say it is better to spend 4 months preparing and actualize in 8 months than to rush in immediately and achieve nothing.

It is a good time to determine what you need to prepare. It might be reading the bible and praying, shutting your closet to everyone else. It might be reading a few books and gaining information. There is not a one size fits all, it has to be tailored to you and your own circumstances.

  • Write down your goals

Until you write it down and have a plan, it is only a dream. Every goal starts with a dream but do not let it stop there. What do you intend to achieve with your kids this year? write it down! What are your plans for your business? Don’t just think it, write it down.

  • One day at a time

A few years ago when I wanted to start exercising, I asked my brother in law, who I very dearly admired his discipline and consistency with exercise , how he does it. He told me something that I never forgot, he said “Take it one day at a time, don’t worry about not being able to do it tomorrow. Just do it today and the next day do it again.” He went on to remind me of medical school and how I must have felt overwhelmed in the first year when looking at those in final year but I eventually got there although not in one day.

Today, I will say the same to you. Do not be afraid , take it one day at a time. You will look back and would have achieved a lot.

  • Run Your Own Race

I wish I didn’t need to say this but seriously, just run your own race. You are not in competition with anyone whether ahead or behind you, face your own lane this year. Don’t get involved in conversations that do not affect your life, cut people off if you need to. Just run your own race, period!

  • Try something new

You just never know what would be better, try something new this year. One thing I enjoy very much is reading and  for Christmas I got a new kindle. I didn’t touch it for a few days, I was skeptical because I like to hold books and never got on with using audible.  I’ve eventually started using it and I’ve said thank you a thousand times for it because I’ve found it so much easier particularly at bed time.

Last year taught us we could do many things differently when pushed to the wall. This year, don’t wait to be pushed to the wall before you try something different.

  • Most importantly, Pursue God

I’m not sure how else to say this but I implore you to pursue God this year. As the songwriter says ‘Nothing in this world can satisfy, Jesus you’re the cup that won’t run dry’

Seek first the kingdom of God above all else.

I hope you find some of these tips useful. Don’t forget to leave  a comment or a question for our readers. As I say, I’m also a learner .

I leave you with the peace of God!

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Aderonke Oshungbohun

Pursue Joy! Do the things you enjoy that bring you joy. Look after yourself this year!

Korede Ogundipe

Really appreciate the article. 👏👏


Always so thought provoking…….well done

Last edited 4 years ago by Felix

very well said


Hope never fails!!! Nice one.

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