Pray cuate 1

Why Do We Pray For Others? The Power of Intercession

Hi there! I hope you’ve had a fulfilling week. Last Sunday, I shared a video on a Scripture (you can watch it here) that the Holy Spirit highlighted to me while studying, and it has motivated this week’s post.

The Power of Intercession

To intercede is to intervene on someone’s behalf, and in this context, we are talking about prayers. Why do we need to pray for others, nations, etc.?

Team spirit pana

Credit: Storyset

Your prayers can save a person/people/nations:

But God had listened to Abraham’s request and kept Lot safe, removing him from the disaster that engulfed the cities on the plain – Gen 19 v 29

Lot’s life and family were saved because of his uncle Abraham’s prayers. We need to take praying for others, including nations, seriously, as it can be the sole reason they are saved or not destroyed.


Credit: Storyset

Your own prayers will be answered:

“Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female servants, so they could have children.” – Gen 20:17

Please read the entire chapter of Genesis 20 to understand the context. Abraham prayed for the king and his household, including servants, and God heard his prayer. What is significant here, you might ask? It’s in the next chapter

“The LORD kept His word and did for Sarah exactly what He had promised.” – Gen 21:1

Abraham prayed that their wombs would be opened and their infertility reversed, even though he did not have his ‘promised child’ at the time. The same prayer he raised for them, God answered concerning him.

Free love rafiki 1

Credit: Storyset

It’s a show of love:

Nothing says you love a person more than the words you say for them in prayer. If you’re struggling to forgive someone, pray genuinely for them from your heart; it will become easier.
God is love, and He dwells in love. When you show love, His presence is more evident in your life.

I will read your comments and thoughts. You could even make a list of those you will continually pray for. Please share this with your family and friends.

I leave you with the peace of God!

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