Fatherhood amico

How much does Daddy love you?

Hello dear junior readers, so glad to be here again this week writing to you, thanks for all the lovely feedback from our last post. Read here

Last time, we talked about Jesus and today, I would like to introduce you to the love of God and His role as your Father. I don’t know what your experience has been but on earth, fathers are not exactly perfect and sometimes make mistakes but your Father in heaven is the only perfect one and loves you daily and dearly.

When I was a child just like you, there were times I doubted my parents’ love because of all the rules at home but as I grew older, I realised they did everything out of love for me to protect me and today, I’m so grateful to them.

I have loved you with an everlasting love. With unfailing love, I have drawn you to myself

Jeremiah 31 vs 3
fatherly love
Credit: storyset
  • God loves you

Can you imagine how much your earthly dad loves you? Multiply that by 1million and God loves you way more than that. Guess what? He would never stop loving you, for the rest of your life.

When we do something wrong, it hurts God’s feelings but He still loves us nonetheless, this is why we shouldn’t hurt his feelings and always apologise when we do.

As we become more aware of this love, it will change us, the way we love ourselves and how much we love people.

no record of sin
Credit : Storyset
  • God does not keep a record of your wrongs

Have you ever told a lie or done something your grown up asked you not to do or not share your toys? Sometimes, you think about that and feel bad the next day about what you did even though you already asked God to forgive you or told your grownups how sorry you are.

God does not remember what you have done wrong after you apologise. He gives you a fresh new start.

And i will forgive their offences, and i will never again remember their sins.

Hebrews 8 vs 12

I want you to know today that you are forgiven. He died for you; if you were the only one on earth when Jesus came, He would still have died for you. You are that valuable to God.

  • God has made plans for your life

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and hope”

Jeremiah 29 vs 11

 Even before you were born, God already had a beautiful plan for your life and He chose the family you are born in because that fits in His purpose for you.

The future He has planned for you is extraordinary and full of many good things. 

What could possibly make my child not enjoy the future I have planned for her? Only if she decides she doesn’t want it. And this is the same as our relationship with God, if we don’t walk in His ways or do His will, we live outside that ‘perfect plan’ He has for us and that is when we cannot be helped.
There is nothing in your life or in your future that could come to God as a surprise. He knows what is ahead and He alone has made plans for you. Rest in this love!

Gifts amico
Credit: Storyset
  • God wants you to enjoy your life

He has given us all things richly to enjoy

1Timothy 6 vs 17

Do you know God actually wants you to enjoy the life He has given you? Read the scripture above, that is how God feels.

I remember growing up, my mother was a Schoolteacher and also sold clothes. She always picked the best clothes for us. I have memories in Sunday school of other little girls touching my dresses in admiration.
If my earthly parent can give me the best, how about my heavenly Father that owns the whole world? Would God hold any good thing back from us? No, He wouldn’t!

Take time today to reflect and ACT on this love. When you experience God’s love, don’t be quiet about it, share it with others.

His love is everlasting and we will continue this discussion soon. Remember to share this post and leave a comment.

I leave you with the peace of God.

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I like the lesson on forgiveness embedded here..love it


Thank you for reminding us of God’s love . God is good and kind to us !


Lovely read!

Mukyala Mwanje

When I look at my journal of life all I see the love of Jesus Christ in my life. He has been so faithful to me even I wrong him he still makes his promises. That’s why I call him my first sweetheart.


He is indeed my first love also

[…] Hi dear readers, how are you doing today? We’ve recently started writing to our junior readers and that has been fun! If you missed it, please click here […]

Debo Ajibona

Indeed our heavenly father’s love is unquantifiable. Thank you as always for reminding us sis.
God bless you richly

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