Is Jesus the only Christmas Story???

Hi everyone, how are you all doing this week? How are the plans for Christmas coming up? I know most people are having a different type of Christmas this year without family and loved ones. If you are one of those people, I’m sending you a big hug.

Few days ago, the Prime Minister brutally announced Christmas was cancelled for some parts of England and a lot of people including me felt really upset. Well, I’ve had time to think about it and it is just wise to be sensible now so we can have lots of many more Christmases with our loved ones.

So, a few days ago, Dr O and I reminisced about  Christmas growing up and what stood out for me really was the kindness our parents showed others and we received.

Traditionally at Christmas, we exchanged cooked food with neighbours, gave out gifts to people etc.

I was reflecting on this later and realized how important it is that the only story our kids can tell about Christmas shouldn’t only be Jesus’s birth ( it is however the most important story), there are lots of songs and nativity plays for that. They shouldn’t also only talk about the gifts they receive from Santa, they should be able to remember our kindness particularly to those in need and continue the legacy.

I told a story in an old post about showing my daughter the photo of a charity I support last Christmas and she started to cry.

This year, she reminded me to send money to those kids so they can have their operation (*dabs eyes). Her school also organizes some charity outreach at Christmas. We usually buy gifts for them ourselves but this year, we decided to be more intentional by taking her to the grocery store with the list so she could choose the items we were buying, we also got the kids involved in wrapping it. Hopefully, that way they won’t forget it is  also a time for giving to those in need.

I also showed her some things we were doing for others and she responded “Mum, will we have any money left after this?” …..hahahaha….I found that so funny. It was a good time to tell her we don’t become poor by giving to others.

paper heart put couple s hands marble table 1
Light photo created by jcomp – www.freepik.com

I hope that you are doing Christmas right by giving kindness, love and/or gifts to those that need it most.

Daily, I’m learning to be better at these things and I hope you are too. If you are not carrying your kids along in these things, then it is time to give it a try. They will do what they see you do.

Have a nice Christmas everyone; sing and be merry! Sending you lots of love and hugs!

I leave you with the peace of God! Merry Christmas!

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